It is impossible to make travel on traces of pharaons, not having visited Luxor, the centre of gravity of all tourists, were interested history of Ancient Egypt. Also it is necessary to recognize, that Luxor can satisfy even the choosiest which can lodge in ancient Thebes, at all not having visited any historical monument, and nevertheless it it will not be boring. In Luxor the atmosphere of a holiday and fun reigns. Is better to walk on Luxor early in the morning when the first taverns with hot tea open. Or in the end of day when especially beautiful Nile with its floating looks is dazzling white graceful фелюгами. Day of opening of tomb Tutanhamon, on November, 4th - a holiday of the city of Luxor. The festival of arts is spent to this day and the next days in Luxor. It became the modern version of ancient holiday Opet - the first known carnival in history. The solemn procession strided from Karnak of a temple in Luxor opened a holiday. It is spent and now. All the November long in Luxor the folklore collectives showing such numbers, as dance with палками, dance with a skirt, representation " dancing horses " act. Sending to Luxor, do not forget, that this city is located considerably to the south of Cairo, and consequently there FFFF. The sun in the Valley of tsars especially mercilessly scorchs. So the headdress and a bottle with water for certain will be useful to you. Cruise over Nile is the same cult event for tourists, as well as a trip to pyramids of Giza and tombs in Luxor. To services of tourists more than 250 floating hotels, basically five-stars which ply between Aswan and Luxor on the most sated monuments of culture and architecture of a part of Nile.